Earth our Mother

Earth Is Our Example There is a flame we each must tend. Fan the fire too heavily and its brightness will blind us. Neglect the flame, and it will smolder and smoke. Kindled gently and regularly, a path is illuminated. Earth demonstrates balance of light turning back from the brightness on the summer solstice and beginning…

The novice gardener in winter

In the chill of winter the gardener finds his world at a cold standstill, memories of the prior seasons still fresh. Trying a new endeavor, his efforts had been inspired and ambitious. Soil had been prepared and resources secured, but perhaps too many seeds with varying demands had been planted and too many weeds allowed…

no middle way

Let go extremes.Land not betweenbut in another realmaltogether –beyond this and that,us and them –where all are one.Emptiness vibrates there,filled with possibility.Moderation becomes absurdand action prayer.