Sensory awareness guided practice offerings
Greetings,The recordings below are a first-time attempt at presenting recorded guided Bringing Ourselves To Our Senses (BOTOS) sessions. There are 4 variations to explore with different components – possibly for different stages of practice. If you try any out, please share your thoughts and suggestions. Feedback is monumentally helpful. Thank you! —-As humans, we get rattled, escalated,…
ashes to ocean
The Oregon coast was always their romantic getaway. Last week, I released my parents’ ashes to the ocean there. The return of their cells to nature in this place of beauty was very moving. The section of beach alongside Cape Lookout State Park was solitary at the time. Warning: wind noise is loud in the…
Trail cam 9/21/19-12/25/19
This set of trail camera photos features, among other things, playful growing bobkittens, a running bear, a gorgeous coyote, deer encounters with other species (raccoon and bobcat), and the silhouette of a bobcat with squirrel prey in its jaws.
Trail cam 9/6/19 – 9/12/19
This is a sweet set of photos capturing the bobcat family passing time together. Then a big intruder comes along. Does the bear appear under the tree at 2:27:10? If so, I think bobmama may be seen defending her babies! The shots after 2:27:10 are exactly what the trail camera captured (none excluded). There is…
Trail cam 8/18/19 – 8/30/19
The lower trail camera (aka the meadow cam) has been dominated by deer but did catch a passing bear: The clearing cam has been viewing lots of bobcat action along with other critters. Interestingly, there have been no recent photos of rabbit but the large mouse is still active at night – when bobcats aren’t…
no middle way
Let go extremes.Land not betweenbut in another realmaltogether –beyond this and that,us and them –where all are one.Emptiness vibrates there,filled with possibility.Moderation becomes absurdand action prayer.
More Bobkittens!
For the third year in a row, a set of three bobcat kittens have been photographed romping in front of the trail cam. The last sign of a bobcat prior to the appearance of the kittens was in April (see snowy shot below). Then the scene was relatively quiet for months…just birds, deer, rabbits, mice……
Here is backyard documentation of what I have read many times and seen over the years: that Great Horned Owls and Red Tailed Hawks can share territory.