Look who else is on the scene…

I’m pretty sure this is a male bobcat. (Right Pablo? Anyone?) Maybe he sired this year’s bobkittens! Not just one… Three! Mama’s with them. Magnificent! And another baby: Plus, this mama + baby duo is still around: And, maybe is this one of last year’s kittens (?)

Ode to mother’s milk

Precious to see a doe and her fawn together… …and nursing! Then just about 10 minutes later, the trail cam captured this series of photos… …so clearly illustrating the splendid power of mother’s milk.

Trail cameras March 2018

Very little activity to share during the month of March. I moved the location of the “cave-cam” to a more open area still near the flow of water. (See the last two shots in the slideshow.) Years ago we saw a mountain lion cache the body of a deer in this clearing. Note the deer…

Trail camera photos 11/18 – 11/25

One and only one bobcat photo this week. The quiet setting back there was destroyed by the complete demolition of a house nearby. Lots of raccoon action, one skunk, a mouse, and birds also make appearances though I did not include them all in this week’s slideshow. Most interesting is a new hole that cannot…

Trail camera photos 11/4 – 11/11

Don’t the bobcats look lovely in the snow?! The raccoons we have seen tend to travel together, one after the other, while we have only seen one skunk at a time. This week for the first time one of our cameras has caught raccoons doing more than just traveling through. We can see interaction between…